Clear aligners have been piquing everyone’s interest with the way they are marketed. And assuredly so. They are virtually invisible and removable, they offer results significantly faster than metal braces, and they can treat an array of orthodontic issues. So, it is no wonder that they are appealing to adults and young teens who are at the peak of their social paths.
However, recent trends show that parents are also seeking clear aligners as a viable treatment option for their smaller kids. Early preventative orthodontics is not a new concept. In fact, orthodontists typically offer early orthodontic treatment to patients who they perceive have severe alignment problems that could get worse as they grow.
Phase I treatment of early preventative orthodontic treatment is undertaken between ages 6 and 10 before all the adult teeth have erupted. It is during this mixed dentition period that dentists observed a rising fad of patients approaching them for clear aligner therapy for their kids. But do dentists even recommend clear aligners in children as young as 6?
Here are the facts.
Mixed dentition: What is it?
Every parent understands that kids grow very fast. The pair of pants you got your kid at the beginning of the school season barely fits them now when spring is approaching. Therefore, you can also predict these changes taking place with their mouths, more specifically with their teeth.
Did you know that your child is born with all 20 baby teeth in their mouth (under the gums)? At about 6 months, the teeth begin to erupt one at a time. By the time 6 years roll around, their permanent teeth start to come in. Baby teeth will then gradually wobble and fall out as your child grows and develops. Adult teeth will replace all 20 milk teeth before your child is 12 or 13 years old. This transition period is known as the mixed dentition stage.
Clear aligners for kids: What do experts say?
Clear aligners have always been the popular choice when it comes to teens or adults, but recent trends show that they have also become a favorable line of choice for young kids. According to a 2023 study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, more and more orthodontics are expected to prescribe aligner treatment for mixed dentition.
Most orthodontists perceive better oral health and hygiene in patients with clear aligners as compared to fixed metal appliances. In young kids, oral hygiene can make or break the health of their future dentition. So, it is no surprise that clear aligners might be better suited for kids than originally perceived as their removability may allow children to maintain good oral hygiene throughout their treatment.
Additionally, using clear aligners early on can help improve the alignment of their adult teeth and jaws, which also enhances dental as well as overall well-being. On top of all these perks, they are also virtually invisible so kids no longer have to go to school with a mouth full of metal. This can boost their self-consciousness about their appearance, especially for pre-pubescent youngsters.
While clear aligners offer a multitude of benefits over traditional metal braces, they must be worn for a total of 20 to 22 hours a day for optimal results. Kids, without their parents’ supervision, may not be willing to follow this stringent schedule which in turn, can impair the treatment progress.
This form of interceptive clear aligner treatment may also not be recommended for children who have not yet lost their baby teeth. Direct-to-consumer aligner providers also do not typically offer treatment regimens for these younger patients as this practice is highly specific and still in its budding stages. In-office aligners are mostly the only choice for younger children which may rack up the price of the treatment as a whole.
The biggest disadvantage that this practice faces is the lack of substantial evidence of the effectiveness of clear aligners for mixed dentition. While numerous studies exist on the efficiency of fixed braces for kids with mixed teeth, the same cannot be said for removable clear aligners.
There are some controversial debates over the use of aligners with smaller children in general. Some experts believe that there is not enough tooth substance for the aligner to hold on to and for the treatment is be effective in straightening teeth at this stage.
Clear aligner therapy is a revolutionary orthodontic step towards a digital future. While not much can be said about the effectiveness of clear aligners for kids with mixed dentition, more studies on the topic can help us draw a firm conclusion. In the meantime, you can always put your faith in clear aligners in treating any form of malalignment in teens or adults.
If you are looking for a brilliant clear aligner brand for crafting your dream smile, PlusSmile® clear aligners are the way to go. These clear aligners are fabricated with remarkable and the latest technology and have become a force to be reckoned with in the European market today. Check them out today and smile like you’ve never before.
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