For as long as we can remember, braces have been an orthodontic staple. A mouthful of metal and colourful chunks can almost be perceived as a “rite of passage” of sorts for pre-pubescent teens before they graduate from middle school and venture into the glory of high school. That was how it used to be. Perhaps, not anymore?
Following the century-long splurge of orthodontic braces for teeth straightening, a novel and promising treatment option took the world by storm. Over the last decade or so, clear or invisible aligners have managed to replace traditional metal braces in straightening crooked teeth. Compared to its wire-y ancestors, clear aligners gained rapid success because of their removability, comfortability, and virtually invisible aesthetics.
As clear aligners continue to morph into better, more comfortable, and more reliable appendages of orthodontic treatment, we cannot help but wonder if the old “ball and chain” braces have become a relic of the past. Are we ready to get rid of metal braces for good?
Are metal braces always the right choice?
As teens or young adults who need braces, you probably do not want them to be obvious. But there is a reason why traditional metal braces have stood the test of time. The wire-and-bracket system that encompasses metal braces is a transformative technology albeit old school. There is no malocclusion that these braces cannot fix, ranging from mild crowding to severe jaw malalignment; the applications are endless. But they are no longer the only player in the game.
In the beginning, orthodontists would only give clear aligners a green light when the treatment involved mild malocclusions, such as anterior crowding or assign them to periodontal patients as a preventative measure. However, through the years, owing to the massive advances in technology as well as appearances in clinical trials, clear aligners have been able to effectively perform many major tooth movements. These included pre-molar de-rotation and molar distalization – two movements that are notable as some of the more difficult tooth movements.
Additionally, while metal braces require minimal patient compliance, treatment outcomes with clear aligners are more predictable. Using 3D software, the entire course of treatment can be visualized even before the allotment of clear aligners to the patients. Clear aligners represent a newer technology as compared to traditional braces, one that is steadily evolving. So, from a technological standpoint, metal braces may be unable to keep up with the wonders of clear aligners.
When it comes to cosmetic considerations, clear aligners will also take the cake. Since clear aligners, as their name suggests, are clear, patients are more keen to invest in these picture-ready braces. Metal braces are known to be clunky and unappealing. There is also a strict dietary restriction that comes with wearing braces, as some foods can easily get stuck between the metal frames. With clear aligners, eating is no longer an issue.
Finally, we come to the reigning cost of these procedures. You’d think that aligners being more inclusive and social-friendly also will cost you a bomb. Instead, you’d be surprised to know that often clear aligners are offered at a much cheaper price than metal braces. Orthodontists who provide said aligners also offer a wide range of payment options and may also accept dental insurance.
So.. have metal braces been replaced?
With clear aligners on the rise, patients are much more open to receiving orthodontic treatment when it comes in a pretty package as compared to old-fashioned braces. Instead of being titled as outdated, it is wiser to call metal braces an orthodontic “classic”. Metal braces may be your only treatment choice in some complex malalignment cases.
While braces may not be everyone’s cup of tea the choice between braces and clear aligners will depend on your individual needs, lifestyle, preferences, and budget.
If clear aligners are something you want to get for your crooked smile, consider PlusSmile® aligners – a modern clear aligner series made with state-of-the-art technology. Get your new smile today!
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