Invisalign® was launched by Align Technology in 1997 when the concept of ‘invisible braces’ was non-existent. Ever since Align with its revolutionary Invisalign® aligners has dominated the clear aligner market and given rise to numerous rival brands that continue to improve and innovate on this groundbreaking design.
Big brands like Invisalign® and Spark™ learned to partner with orthodontist offices to deliver aligners through an expert-led business model. However, privy to these orthodontists, adding a well-known brand to the mix meant more financial losses. Invisalign®, for instance, would benefit from a recurring revenue stream from the dentist’s client base, alluding to the fact that the patients would be required to pay upwards of $8,000 for one full aligner set.
In order to slash financial costs by half, dentists have now begun to white-label clear aligners. Is white-labelling the new business model that all orthodontists should follow?
One of the biggest benefits of white labelling is that it allows dentists and orthodontists an easy way to expand their service pool to their patients without having to develop the product or service themselves.
Ideally, all orthodontists would benefit from producing clear aligners in the office. This would greatly cut the costs required to pay a third-party company for the fabrication, not to mention the shipping and delivery charges that would fare extra. However, not all dentists have the luxury of spending or rather making an upfront investment in purchasing 3D printing equipment and solution. The practice’s team must also undergo proper training to learn how to operate the machine correctly.
Many businesses do not want to waste time and internal resources in areas that can take years to become proficient in. This is white-labelling clear aligners can make difference. By offering white labelling services to the patients, the orthodontist is able to provide excellent services without straying focus on other aspects like aligner fabrication, design, and dispensing.
Rather than investing in a new 3D technology that would take years to perfect, the orthodontist can invest in an existing and proven white labelling company. This not only saves them time and money, but also human capital resources.
White labelling your aligners also allows you, the orthodontist, to concentrate on what your dental practice and personnel are really good at. Instead of spreading your dental staff and your internal resources too thin, you can focus on specializing in certain services that you are confident about. By white labelling, you are also adding new revenue streams to your practice, a brilliant way to attract new customers to your business.
Additionally, brands like Invisalign® have a slow turnaround rate. It can take anywhere from six to eight weeks to deliver the clear aligners to the orthodontist and even longer for any adjustments throughout the treatment process. This can potentially lengthen the treatment duration and can incur greater financial burdens for both the orthodontist and the patients.
Dental labs provide faster services with a two-week or less turnaround time. Therefore, white labelling aligners can also save vital time for the service provider as well as the consumer.
Traditionally, it would be difficult for small businesses to compete with larger corporations within the dental industry based on many key differences. By allowing a third-party company to fabricate the aligners for you to then assign to your patients, you are ensuring that you are offering a fully customized treatment plan to your patients. This would not be possible if you were to partner with Invisalign® or Spark™ as these brands have full control over the treatment process.
Companies like K Line have been in this business for years now and are continuing to expand. They produce clear aligners for numerous other clear aligner providers. They claim to hold a capacity of over 50,000 aligners per month and have the goal to reach 150,000 clear aligners monthly. They also deliver aligners as early as 10 days and customize everything from treatment plans, clear aligners, and even packaging to fit the needs of the orthodontist.
White labelling allows you to tailor your practice’s services to align with your patient needs. This allows you greater control over how you decide to market your dental practice. You no longer need to turn down patients because you lack the time and resources to take on a new service. Instead, you can white-label your aligners and easily add these services to your practice’s roster.
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